Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Weekend

Homework and lots of it.

I also managed to practice my clarinet for a few hours and sleep for 18 hours on Friday night.

I got my voice back today too. It feels great when people can finally understand me.

I also switched phones with my mom's old one and now I finally can get service.

Don't know what else to say except for the fact I shouldn't be posting at this hour. Silly me. Good night.


Julia said...

11:50 Sheena, that's still not very healthy. Yes, next year I'll have to remind you of sleep. You'll do fine, I know you will. Even though you won't be in symphonic band...


Tiffany said...

Ohhh! Lola was back today! =]

Sheena said...

ahaha tiffany....Lola is pretty wild if ya really get to know her.